Is Home Alone is a Perfect Movie?

Now this truly is a podcast 11 years in the making – the Gomers devote an entire episode to a movie they’ve been discussing tangentially for over a decade: Home Alone. They talk casting, Cinnamon Coke, character arcs, foreshadowing, and of course, the score. Merry Christmas ya filthy animals!

What do you think? Is A Charle Brown Christmas a Perfect Movie? Click “Vote” at the top of, follow us on Instagram (@perfectmoviepodcast), or like us on Facebook ( to weigh in! Happy voting, and happy viewing!

Is Home Alone a Perfect Movie?
  • Yes 100%, 9 votes
    9 votes 100%
    9 votes - 100% of all votes
  • No 0%, 0 votes
    0 votes
    0 votes - 0% of all votes
Total Votes: 9
November 7, 2019 - January 17, 2020
Voting is closed
Anthony and Steven Written by:

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